1. atikur.bdco@gmail.com : atikurbd : Atikur Rahaman
More Services - Atikur Law Chamber
  • Call: +8801711421338
  • Email: adv.atikur.rahaman@gmail.com
  • Phone Numaber:
  • +8801711421338
  • Office Location:
  • Room No. 603/2 (5th Floor), Shishu Kollayan Parishad Building, 22/1, Topkhana Road, Dhaka.
  • Working Time:
  • 10:00 am – 10:00 pm, Saturday to Thursday
  • More Services
    jugde court case list
    More Services
    • Administrative Law
    • Admiralty and Shipping
    • Alternative Dispute Resolution
    • Company Formation and Registration
    • Aviation Matters
    • Banking Litigation
    • Business Setup
    • Criminal Prosecution and Defense
    • Civil Litigation
    • Commercial Litigation
    • Top Company Matters in Bangladesh
    • Domestic and International Arbitration
    • Constitutional Law
    • Contracts
    • Entertainment and Media Litigation
    • Family Matters and Child Custody
    • Environmental Law
    • Global Investment and Citizenship
    • Government Contracts and Litigation
    • Immigration Law in Bangladesh
    • Insurance Recovery
    • Intellectual Property (Trademark, Patent, Copyright)
    • International Trade
    • Judicial Review of Administrative Action
    • Labour and Employment Matters
    • Land Related Documentation
    • Loan Syndication
    • Marine Insurance
    • Natural Resources
    • Oil and Gas Law
    • Power, Energy and Infrastructure Projects
    • Private Equity
    • Procurement, Bidding and Government Contracts
    • Project Finance Documentation
    • Real Estate and Property Matters
    • Security Documentation
    • Ship building and Ship breaking Matters
    • Taxation
    • Telecommunication & IT
    • Tenant and Landlord Related Issues
    • VAT Tax and Customs Matters
    • Verification and Land Documents
    • Corporate Transactions (Mergers & Acquisitions, Capital Markets)
    • Foreign Investment and Fraud and White-Collar Crimes
    • Vetting of Documents